Friday, February 8, 2008

Five Things You Don't Yet Know About Me

1) I lived in Prague from 1991-95 and used to be able to speak Czech. What a beautiful country and culture and how I would love to go back there!

2) I love yoga. I haven't managed to get myself doing it on my own (outside of my once a week class) yet, but I love the meditation aspect and how it quiets the world down to let me listen to my inner me.

3) I love being a Mom. I am learning so much from my daughter about life (seeing it all again for the first time through her eyes!) and learning.

4) I love travelling, learning about other cultures and reading the literature of other cultures. Maybe you could recommend something I could read from the literature of your country?

5) I used to ski and figure skate, but now find it difficult just to get out for a walk. Put it on my list of things to get more organised about for 2008!!

Okay, now tell me 5 things about you. (or 5 favourite movies or 5 favourite books or....)
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testecarla said...

Dear Alison,

I just loved to know more about you, and we share so much in common...The passion for our kids, learning from our own kids, books, traveling...

I read some time ago "The Kite Runner" and just loved.

One film I'm a fan of is "Cinema Paradiso", directed by Tornatore.

There's another one I watched recently indicated by Cris Costa, and it's just amazing "the Namesake".

Great that you're blogging! Keep it up!

mbi said...

Hi, Carla!

Thanks for dropping by! And Happy Birthday, yesterday.... :-))

I haven't read "The Kite Runner" or seen the movie, "The Namesake", but I have seen "Cinema Paradiso" and liked it. Have you seen any Japanese movies? My favourites are anything by Kurosawa or Juzo Itami (satirical looks at Japanese society, often starring his wife - you may have heard of "Tanpopo" or "The Taxing Woman") and "Shall We Dance" (a film that won the Academy Award a few years ago).

I read your top 5, too, and did a lot of touring around your class blogs and wiki to help me decide how I was going to do this blogging thing. You are an inspiration to me! I really love your energy. I can tell you have a very happy family life and it was nice to see some photos!

I hope that you will drop by again soon.

(I know you found me because I figured out how to tag this post - ha ha!)

testecarla said...

Exactly, Alison! By tagging your post and the fact that I added your blog feed (Syndication, RSS...) to our Pageflakes and Google Reader makes it easy to see when you update your blog.

Thanks for the feedback. It's great to know that what I'm doing may serve as a sample for others. It's just like it has happened to me. I read a lot, question a lot, listen to the voices online and try to add my own small bit and some bytes.

I love Kurosawa, but it's been a while I haven't watched his films, so you could be my next one on the list! Thanks for the tip.

One little tip for your blog. Add some information about you in the sidebar. It's important to know who you are.

Keep on blogging!

Mary H said...

Dear Alison,
I'm so glad to have met you through Blogging4Educators, and hope to have the chance to meet you f2f sometime too! After reading your b4echallenge post, I found out that we have a lot in common ... well, except for #5 ... I grew up in Ohio, and even joined the ski club in high school, but the Midwest has a fairly flat landscape! Even though I thought I had become an OK skier, I had a real shock when I tried to go skiing on a real mountain in Quebec!

mbi said...

Hi, Mary:

Okay, now I am intrigued... Did you spend time in Prague (I think I might have seen that somewhere on your blog)? Tell me more!

I have yet to ski in Japan, but have put in on my list for 2008 or 2009.

Yes. I, too, am glad to have met you through Blogging 4 Educators. What a great community! We can stay in touch through RSS feeding (once I figure it out!) ha ha ha. This is all very exciting, seeing how much progress everyone can make in just a few weeks.

Talk again soon.


Sarah @ Baby Bilingual said...

Hi Alison,

I would be interested in "interviewing" you for my blog, Bringing up Baby Bilingual, where I profile families who are raising kids with more than one language. Most of the families I've written about use European languages, and I'd like to hear from speakers of other ones as well!

If you're curious, please drop by my blog and take a look at some of the previous family profiles (they're listed in the right-hand margin). If you'd like to fill out a questionnaire, you can email me at babybilingual at gmail dot com. Thanks!

Mary H said...

Hi Allison,
I can't believe it has taken me so long to get back to your blog! How have you been doing since B4E finished?

Actually, I only took a day trip to Prague. About 10 years ago, I spent a month in Europe, mostly in Slovakia. I guess the sentiment "how I would love to go back there" is what rang true with me.

Hope to hear from you soon ;)